Help a guy out here.
- So the other day I had an hour or so to kill and I finally cracked out my Robotech Collectible Card Game deck and tried to figure it out. However, much to my frustration, I found the included rule sheet entirely, ah, insufficient. I did a Google search to see if anyone had a clearer rule set, but I came up empty. If you have a clear diagram of play, or a fan-made FAQ, or something to help me figure this silly thing out, please e-mail me.
- It's confirmed: I'll be making my yearly sojourn to Anime Expo in sunny California this year! I've got my airfare and my admittance to the convention paid for, but as of right now I don't have any lodging secured. This is where YOU, the Roboblog reader might be able to help out. If you're going to AX this year and need a roommate, or have a hotel room secured and wouldn't mind my company for a few nights -- I'll pay my fair share of the cost -- PLEASE drop me a line via e-mail. All I need is a place to crash and drop off my stuff; the floor of a two-bed room will be acceptable. ^_-

Labels: Anime Expo '07, card game, desperation
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