
Wouldn't it be cool if ... ?

Since I've pretty much done as much typing about ROBOTECH today as I possibly can before my head explodes from Protoculture shock (I'll explain later), allow me to place before you a possibility -- not a likelihood, but a possibility -- that's had me thinking for a number of days now.

FUNimation has set up a little page where, every day next week, they're going to unleash some sort of surprise on the anime faithful. You may have seen the banner ads at AnimeNewsNetwork and AnimeOnDVD. The page is here.

Now, this is supposed to be a series of surprise announcements -- five in all. Clearly they have something big planned for each one. Wouldn't it be nice if one of them had something to do with ROBOTECH -- like, say, a co-production announcement on a new series or the follow up to the Shadow Chronicles film?

I don't want to get anyone's hopes up -- oh God, that's the last thing I need -- but this is a possibility that I've been entertaining ever since I saw that banner, and I know I'm going to be clicking over every single day next week with my fingers crossed ...

And if there's nothing? Well, I hope there's at least something cool there. I've been burned badly by too many lame surprise announcements lately. There'd better be at least one pick-me-up in the lot ...


  • Given that some of us have sickeningly busy schedules (likely to be moreso next week, in my case) can we count on you to update us on this as it proceeds? I'm rather interested myself ...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 19 January, 2007 18:04  

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