

This post is dated with the deadline for the contest; all NEW posts before the deadline will appear BELOW this post.


The mission, should you accept it:

Create a one-to-two-page comics story or sequence set within the fifty-some-year span of the ROBOTECH timeline -- any version of the ROBOTECH timeline, any generation, any characters (yours, the TV series cast, novels or comics-only characters, etc.).

The fine details ....

B&W is fine, color is fine, whichever you want to achieve the goal of your story.

Content-wise, don't do anything beyond, oh, a PG-13. I may be lenient on the violence, though, if you're going for a whole "war is hell" sort of angle.

Image files should be 6.625 in. x 10.25 @ 300 dpi in a lossless file format -- no JPEGs, no GIFs. PNG would be fine, TIFF would be better.

The prizes:

1st place winner will get a copy of The Art of Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles originally personally signed to contributing writer Jonathan Switzer (that would be me) by lead author Tommy Yune. (But he'd already signed one for me at AnimeExpo -- that's why I'm giving this one away to one lucky/talented individual.) The book is also signed by contributing writer Vincent McHenry, and will be autographed to the winner by Jonathan Switzer (me).

2nd place winner will get his or her choice of the new omnibus edition of the Robotech Masters or New Generation novels by Jack McKinney, which each include continuity notes in the back compiled by Jonathan Switzer (yup, me) -- and I'll happily autograph that page for whoever wins.

3rd place winner will get the remaining ROBOTECH novel omnibus, also signed on the continuity note appendix page by Jonathan Switzer (again, me).

Depending on the response, many or all of the entries will appear in the pages of the final (for the foreseeable future) issue of Emissaries: A Robotech Fanzine. All entrants with comics that appear in Emissaries will receive a copy of the fanzine.

Send your entries to: with the subject line "ROBOBLOG CONTEST" (in all caps, like so).


December 19, 2007 @ 11:59 p.m. (that's ten more days than the deadline that was in my video on this)

Have fun! If you have any further questions, drop me an e-mail and I'll add to this.

[One entry received as of December 2, 2007.]



Read Kevin's words carefully.

More when I actually get a chance to see Protoculture Addicts's 20th Anniversary ROBOTECH spectacular with my own two eyes.

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Aoshima TLEAD (Beta Fighter) cancelled!

According to Matt Alt at the ToyBox DX forums, Yaco of YacoLog has spoken to the folks at Aoshima and confirmed that they will not be producing the TLEAD (Veritech Beta Fighter) owing to the quality control problems they had with their release of the Legioss Fighters cast from retooled versions of the Toynami Masterpiece Collection Alpha Fighter mold.

Read the original report here.

What does this mean for the Toynami version of the Beta Fighter? Well, this certainly can't be a good sign ...

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Shadow Chronicles RPG Pre-Orders Are Open!

Apollo Okamura art of Maia Sterling, nicked from the Palladium Books forums via protoCULTURE.

Via the Robotech Companion news blog, click here to read the latest press release for the Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles Role Playing Game from Palladium Books.

The new release date is January 2008, and you can pre-order the book here at the Palladium Books website.

Shame we won't get it before Christmas, but it looks like we don't have too long to wait. Can't wait to see it!

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Destroy All Podcasts Vs. The Sentinels

As I type these words, I am downloading the latest episode of the Destroy All Podcasts DX podcast, where Our Heroes are pitted against the Robotech II: The Sentinels animation. Since Sentinels is not just an overlong clip show and actually has some merits to its name, this should be a mite bit better than their Codename Robotech show. Seriously, Codename really took the wind out of their sails; it was like those episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000 where Joel and the 'bots watch a movie so terrible and mind-numbing that they stop being funny and just start crying. Here's hoping that their Sentinels podcast is more about the show and less about how the show made them want to die.

Click here to be whisked away to the Collection DX site to give it a listen.


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